Georgia Alabama Arkansas Texas all are in the lowest (worst) group of fully vaccinated per capita states in the country, yet they are all in the...
Interesting that Florida ranks 20th in the U.S. in percent of population fully vaccinated, yet for last weekly numbers, ranks 1st in states with...
Take the 3.5 trillion package, cut it in half . then take the remaining 1.75 trillion divide it by 350 million citizens it works out to 5k for...
10 days from positive test if you have no symptoms. If symptoms develop after a positive test it would be 10 days from when symptoms began. I...
I have a bunch of neighbors who already got the booster or whatever you call it They Went to walgreens , signed a form, and got the shot. All of...
I read somewhere reputable that there's a good chance the Moderna vaccine is more protective as time goes on, not because of the quality of the...
I haven't seen many discussions over FDA senior leadership resigning over the Biden administration pushing covid booster shots?
The vaccine was developed and tested before the delta variant. I was under all the same assumptions as you, however the fact that the virus...
The problem, as I see it, is when a vaccinated person gets covid the people who perform the test aren't checking with the positive where they got...
Pfizer - 21 days between shots.. in april
I would say mild symptoms on one were runny nose, headache one night chills. He was thinking he had a cold. Then he lost his smell and taste...
You sound like a liberal.. All whiney and crying. As Urban would say, nut up.
IMO, in time China will rule the world, unless there is a major war.
I know of 2 unconnected people who recently got Covid, both had previously been vaccinated (one Pfizer and the other Moderna). We believe both...
We don't know the long term effects of Covid. We also don't know the long term effects of the vaccine. For someone my age, or past child bearing...
It's ironic that Trump's 3 appointees voted against him in every case re: election fraud and also in this case re: tax returns. People were...
I got my 2nd dose Wednesday.. My wife and I had a 12:50 and 1PM time. We arrived a half hour early and they took us immediately. They had...
Florida is currently at 7.5% of the population receiving 1 or 2 doses. All the counties & private hospitals are holding vaccines for the 2nd...
I just noticed Illinois lowered their 1b vaccine tier to 65. I think more and more states will do that. They realize 65+ is where covid hits...
My wife and I just received the first dose of the Pfizer covid vaccine. We went to TGMG Armenia (North Tampa). It was a very smooth process,...