The Israelis are way ahead of the curve regarding Covid. IMO, they are some of the smartest people on the planet, especially considering their...
Florida Covid Hospitalization bed usage at 10.08% below the national average of 13.96%, according to HHS as of Jan 3 Actual Numbers are 5,700...
You are Nostradamus. Very impressive. Any stock tips?
Back in the day in my high school, many of the Chinese American student would wear bowl haircuts. I never realized 'roundness' night be cultural....
I agree with almost everything you wrote. However there are important pieces of information that we weren't made aware of. 1) if you did get...
Experts being wrong has nothing to do with conspiracy theory, i don't know who brought 'conspiracy theory' that you referer to into the thread?....
FYI RNA viruses like covid are constantly mutating. The experts knew this and there was no "if" when it came to virus mutation
What was posted was their own words ,not some made up BS . much of what has been said by the 'experts' in retrospect was incorrect. There is...
Florida is way below the national average in inpatient covid beds and icu covid beds in use. (as of Jan 1, 22). I have quite a few relatives in...
I don't know if this was previously posted.. below is a good link from hhs to see hospitalizations, both non-icu and icu by state. you can select...
Approaching 70 soon
My wife recently had a Calcium CT Scan. Her cardiologist told her he wanted her to take statins (high cholesterol). She didn't want to take...
Pfizer / Moderna are theorizing that the T cell immunity is not significantly reduced by the variant, hence with 2 to 3 doses protection from...
Another article from CNBC how Denmark having a rapid spread in Omicron...
Good article from forbes. Tough to read because of the ads. I had to use chrome and reduce zoom to 50%. Basically saying omicron evades...
We have to wait until February to see our ranking.
I don't think anyone should be forced to get a vaccine in order to keep their job. A big problem with health care coverage is when you have no...
There's is a lot of speculation about the virus.. Origin, treatments, effectiveness of vaccines, etc. If what some speculate is true, that the...
I would like to see a study comparing unvaccinated people who got re-infected vs. vaccinated people who were never previously infected and got a...
If the government is forcing vaccinations, one would think that the highest vaccinated states would be having the lowest rates of be new...