[MEDIA] Boy, this guy has gone downhill and fast. He visited all 99 counties and lost all 99 counties. How much time does it take to visit 99...
What's it like to watch and rewatch The View every day?
German farmers are not receiving handouts. The real story is the German gov't needs money for failed policy and immigration decisions. So, they...
but it is
Good one.
We will need him to unretire soon. https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2024/sessions/preparing-for-a-disease-x/
Chalk up another loss by the Biden Admin.
It's just too good. Howie Carr: Georgia 'special' Trump prosecutor revealed as DA Fani Willis' lover
I would ask you, what war do we not get involved in? I do not think we can win but I also don't think China can win. Taiwan could punish some of...
one of the best
Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade steps out armed with handgun after bombshell Fani Willis affair allegations — and didn’t deny tryst