On the other hand, not equipping Ukraine's army to fight the invaders also results in suffering. I have no problem in supporting a country...
Apparently I also missed the event where Zelensky poked the russians by rolling tanks into Moscow. But hey, what do I know?
I saw a video on reddit earlier of what was clearly 2 missiles striking the bridge, probably 5-6 seconds apart. If that was actually a truck, I'd...
By my count we've also had 10 fumbles/ints. I don't think that's enough to explain our inability to get a stop on third downs...
We forced 4 punts today, bringing our season total to 17 in 6 games. That's less than 3 forced punts per game. The defense needs to figure out...
Consistency still a problem, but signs of improvement. Nice to see some pressure and sacks in the fourth quarter.
I just ordered mine! The contour swan... :D
Just 3rd?
We now return to pre-pandemic levels of interest in the stock market:...
Nebraska? :D
Day 3, still plodding along. Burned through a box of tissues overnight. Heavy nasal congestion is still the worst symptom. After a bad night's...
Day 2 evening update - I'm tired. Just took a long hot shower. More congested than yesterday, now with a runny nose, clearing my throat a lot....
Ok, it looks like it's finally my turn. Just tested positive on two at-home tests. I've had inflamed sinuses today day, and increased congestion...
Nah. I know better. And, this was in an IRA - can't imagine what tax headaches that would have created even if they tried to undo it....!
You guys will get a kick out of this. Market's been good this month, right? I woke up this morning to a notification on my phone that dividends...
I don't know how you guys find the time. I barely have the patience to watch a video. Give me the article / summary where I can read a few...
Dude. Reading is FUNdamental
42 (the meaning of life, the universe, and everything)
I actually have a very good protection mechanism - when the market's not good, I generally don't look. That's beneficial because it keeps me from...