I think he has legitimate concern about the health of the nation moving forward. This will change how a lot of people live their lives from now...
What I caught from the video is that we need to be exposed to bacteria and virus in order to have a healthy immune system. I don’t see anyone...
It will be something along the lines of #notmydoctor.
Many people would risk the deaths over contact tracing. How China, Singapore, Taiwan, and other countries have been using technology to battle...
Thanks! I find it odd that they list numerical details on the graph for those states that are higher, but none for those lower. No, not saying...
How do you know we are in excess? Where are the total numbers? 100k over 3 months is 33k a month. I’m sure many other deaths are down. Maybe more...
You would think that would be readily available..
I’d bet auto deaths are wayyyy down.
Kowasaki syndrome. That’s apparently a very rare disease. I’ve never heard of it and I have two young children. Only 20,000 kids a year in the US...
How is that any different than labeling a Covid death to anyone who dies WITH the Covid virus in their system? If anything, the flu numbers...
8% of those tested in Escambia County came back positive. Well over 1,000 tested and only 130 or so processed. The results are lagging by 8 days...
Pensacola has tested 800 as of Friday. The fists rests were taken Monday. I don’t think a singe results has been provided. They were supposed to...
This stat is pretty important too. US is on average a pretty young country which bodes well. 61st in median age. China is where the outbreak...
This thread has gone downhill.
Kind of bizarre how they arrange the numerical scale on the left to make it look like deaths are keeping pace with cases. I give it a thumbs down...
This one is easy to read Italy Coronavirus: 21,157 Cases and 1,441 Deaths - Worldometer
That’s it. Thanks.
Good grief. Got a link to it?
Yeah, got that. Isn’t there an official live graph of worldwide counts?
What’s today’s US count?