I'm a Cubs fan so I've been watching baseballs fly out of Wrigley Field my entire life. It's special any time a ball goes through Waveland and...
The kids were being rowdy and Dad had to the turn the car around.
Who among us hasn't made an oopsie like eating too many wings on all you can eat night or hanging from the walls of the Senate chamber dressed in...
Whether or not Trump is to blame (he is) and whether or not a large number of people intended to commit violence, it's becoming increasingly clear...
Just for the record, it hasn't been confirmed that video does in fact show Officer Sicknick. If it doesn't, then it's just the right wing mob...
There's video circulating now that appears to be the mob pulling Officer Sicknick into the crowd and beating him to death. The party of Blue...
CEO of a company who lives in a wealthy suburb. Must be all that economic anxiety that caused him to have a momentary lapse in judgement where...
[MEDIA] Her businesses Facebook page has been deleted and it now has a 1.6 google rating on 875 reviews. I'm sure she understands it's just...
Race definitely not a factor here. [MEDIA]
This mfer wore his work ID badge to commit federal crimes. [MEDIA]
They're posing for pictures and taking selfies inside the Capitol. These people don't actually believe in anything politically. Which I guess is...
This morning in Washington. Not good. [IMG]
The party of pro-life and all lives matter. [MEDIA]
Well, if you and others are learning that people like this do exist when you previously found it unfathomable, that's a change that can do a lot...
Hence the point of the protests.
How do you get great reviews and no credit? [MEDIA]