They will be under scrutiny and clean up their act like Jack In the Box back in the day. My hope is that it results in reduced prices.
That’s not even close to being true. 18,926 business bankruptcies in 2023 and less than 1% of them were Chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcies....
Also against it. I’ve paid off over $100k in student loans with another $30k to go.
I used to live near Aurora when I lived in Denver (Lowry area) but avoided it best I could. One of my least favorite areas in the Denver metro,...
I agree they have increased, but that wasn’t my point. The problem is that 40% are not even in the market so they haven’t seen any of that...
900,000 are the millionaire accounts, not total accounts. There’s definitely not 70 million accounts with $1M+. FYI, the total $13.6T averages to...
Thanks. My interpretation of his dialogue is different than yours. He stated he has a four or five point plan to put Ukraine in a better position...
Yes, but this is a small percentage of Americans. IRAs and 401Ks combined is around 900,000 accounts. Assuming no overlap, which there will...
Link? Tried searching for this on google but didn’t turn anything up.
The contention was that it was going to cause mass fast food layoffs. We haven’t seen that before or subsequent to enacting the law. It’s remained...
Using your numbers it appears that fast food employment is flat since the law went into effect April 1. Even using your timeframe of the entire...
It’s hard enough to distinguish some of the AI images now; we don’t need people using it as defense for actual child pornography where they can...
Yeah, I saw the video of it. Quite the explosion. Watch: Fireball erupts from oil tanker after Houthi strike