One of my problems with your solution is that a high school diploma has nothing to do with gun knowledge and safety. I’d wager economic class has...
I’d start with the premise that everyone is entitled to own and use guns. From there I would institute a series of safeguards. 1. Require 100%...
Isn’t this basically the Michigan parents all over again?
Why? Because smoking was falling for decades prior to the MSA for numerous reasons, including most importantly, widespread public understanding of...
You think those lawsuits caused a decrease in cigarette consumption? I don’t agree. The cigarette consumption parallel doesn’t work. Cigarettes,...
You’re going to have to explain this “logic” you’re certain supports your point. Over a decade the US had 7x the number of school shootings as the...
I’m fully against this idea. Are we also going to allow the public to sue auto manufacturers whenever their vehicles get in an auto accident? No,...
Where does this settle within your “don’t attack the Bill of Rights” position? “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created...
So what is your solution or do you not believe there needs to be one?
Eh, that doesn’t apply within unions (between workers) in my experience. What you were experiencing was union job preservation. Our guys work with...
I watched the first two drives of the game and knew we were cooked. Stopped paying attention at that point though others kept the game on.
As I said, there’s no room for nuance with one like you. I voted GWB 2x Libertarian 2x and voted for Biden because people like you put up Trump...
I understand it’s hard to get the credit for preventing something that didn’t happen, but you’re also overly crediting for something that is pure...
Oh, I know; posters like Channing, Rade and I are liberals in your mind. There’s no room for nuance with someone like you.
No. I’ve voted for one Democrat at the federal level, ever. But do go on and tell me I’m a Democrat. Your meme level intellect is telling.
It’s not just liberals. Third-party voters like myself do not like it either for numerous reasons.
Paywall Economist article about the dire nature of Ukraine’s Eastern front: Even as it humiliates Russia, Ukraine’s line is crumbling in the...
I don’t know how long this scheme has been in place but the FDA, like OSHA, utilizes state agencies to conduct inspections and enforce federal and...
Yes, there’s a reason Trump had to give up equity in each of the bankruptcies which doesn’t even account for his default on the Chicago tower in...
Sadly Ukraine has already lost one of its top F-16 pilots along with the F-16. The pilot, Moonish, was apparently one of the people pushing...