The law in Texas sounds like a muddled mess. The TX supreme court says doctors don't have to wait until the mother's life is at risk yet TX...
Can’t have no fact checking ‘round here. [MEDIA]
When you’ve lost the former head of the Florida Republican party, things aren’t going well. The Trump cult isn't based on policy. It's based on...
Yup, after 2 consecutive losses i would hope a message would have been sent and received
Yes, the judge had obvious cow bias. Cattlemen and sheepherders dont get along given the sheep’s propensity to completely denude the range.
You left out an important point. I seem to remember him saying he would not run in ‘28 and he’s a man of his word after all. I do expect him to...
^ This. Once an event is deemed a Federal Incident, the Feds are large and IN CHARGE. They definitely coordinate with state,local and private...
True. It is easy to pick from social media whatever comment suits your point but context is important and is not possible by cherry-picking. In...
Ian Miles Cheong is a far right commenter on Twitter who lives in Malaysia. In the past he has praised Hitler. He might not be fair and balanced...
My favorite sentence of all time that has stood the test of time, from 1881: “Jose Manuel Miguel Xavier Gonzales, in a few short weeks it will be...
I had to take this money from the liquor store, yer honor. I was afraid it was counterfeit. Obviously not the way to do it.