People having a hard time believing trump would ever do this or that is part of how he has avoided accountability. A source was on the record in...
Well they were girls. Some as young as 14. I don’t think it matters if they were there there voluntarily - and to host such a thing?
No reason to even vote in NC. This deep-thinker and member of congress says just give trump all the NC electoral votes before the votes are even...
Say wut?
I dont think so
Never have. Except for the ones i was already very friendly with. Do you really think everyone does this? (Throwing stone at trump)
This is all due to govt regulations prohibiting the sale of raw milk. I guess they want the consumer to take the risk rather than have to process...
Would you say that the statement that Kamala was bussing in illegal migrants to vote in NC was a conspiracy, ignorance, or both?
Well, its deep red western NC where trump got about 70% in 2020. Conspiracies and ignorance is to be expected.
Sitting in a barbershop this morning and things overheard they removed over 790,000 illegal votes from NC last week You can always tell them...
trump should sue this guy and the named people in the article. Slander, defamation, libel - unless, of course, its true. Wont matter to the cult....
I was horrified that someone would think I supported the attempted overturning of the 2020 vote because i was a registered R. Don’t know if i have...
I did. I dropped my registration as a Republican in Jan. 2021. I’m now a proud member of the NPA party.
Not to mention he is a Gold Star parent.
Pretty well refuted by elections officials in the comments
Pretty off the wall and nonsensical
Do i recall correctly that we had a poster who was having a “relationship” with a chatbot? Or was it an animatronic girlfriend?
No problem. Fixed it.
Well, we might have to after passage of the No Enemy Within bill
Who knows what excuses might be offered. Most likely she will borrow some offered in the previous election. It was rigged The Republicans cheated...