You are a gentleman and a scholar. OT: That tattoo missed the mark (pun intended) on e. e. cummings’ unique stanza breaks (and incorrectly...
Lawless = Lawfare
That’s the Bluke I know! Enjoy your Halloween!
Unsolicited advice — to be an effective provocateur, once must lull those intended to fall into a trap with sleight of hand and parlor tricks. To...
Assuming positive intent… a well intentioned thread that has turned into personal attacks…
I suspect we have 90% in common from your posts… the 10% is just philosophical differences in approach to the same set of problems… so I will...
Poor decision.
Robinhood and Kalshi are open for US (I think).
I suspect Homan is more practical. He might marginally increase the deportations. Miller on the other hand is a bridge too far. Homan is actually...
The 60 minutes piece last night and interview with Homan was… well, a head scratcher. “Targeted arrests” and Miller’s large scale raids and...
I am guessing his response is probably the struggle of a mixed marriage. He didn’t convince her to convert — that tells me a lot about his own...
If Trump loses on Election Day, he is certainly entitled to his dispute in the Court, no different than our Country afforded him already. If...
You would have been a better comedian than who Trump picked, but don’t quit your day job :D Keep up the good work for humanity!
Disagree… What about a non-scientific poll? If you are a dem voter, pop this post with a neg rating so Tilly can see all the Dems who wouldn’t...
Hinchcliffe’s rant on Puerto Rico meets Bad Bunny’s 45 million followers. What a mistake by Trump’s PR team....
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
People who compare Trump to Hitler don’t know their history. People who compare MAGA nationalism to the Third Reich don’t know their history....
It’s the law. Why don’t people know this? “Can you wear political clothing to vote in Texas? No. Texas law prohibits "electioneers for and...
Kudos to the woman that stepped in and intervened.