Don’t sleep on my prediction. Weather will be blamed. This is what they do when burst pipes aren’t gonna do it.
Raining. The greatest voter suppresser from the makers of space lasers and weather controllers.
Young white men need to have more sex and learn how to be more attractive to woman who are killing it. I am 100% convinced we need a second sexual...
Robby Starbuck is making quite a name for himself. He seems to be organizing large support that is pressure testing boards and corporate...
In the game of disarmament, you have to have mutual destruction, logic and self-interest. I don’t see the Pubs pinning something as egregious as...
His ketamine drip must be blocked Should have tried to do some more 25 or 6 to 4
537 is really a hat tip to Jeb and SCOTUS.
assuming it was mandatory conscription, there is no red tape. Would be a back door reparations and wealth transfer, but that is a bit cheeky.
Likely it will go back into the private conversations. It is better out in the open for all to see and admonish.
Assuming you are right, there will be an interesting battle to replace Mitch. Thune is Republican classic — he sort of checks all the typical...
Just gives so much more meaning to when people call her a Marxist. This whole time they were upset of her and Dougie swaying to the ballads.
“is a similar quote of Richard Marx” dang, what song is this? Right here waiting for you? Man, I missed this back in 1989.
Chameleon shapeshifters. Real time fact checking is the greatest thing about AI. Would love to see a Lee Corso AI voice — “not so fast my friend”...
I’m assuming lots of money moved to Harris and the arbitrage has disappeared. [ATTACH]
Since we are coming up with dumb ideas, for any woman that wants an abortion, a conservative needs to be allocated the medical costs for the now...
What’s my name Tim Kaine bit was hilarious.
It was a good spot for her — the not so subtle call out to looking in the mirror — was speaking to many young people. Hey, she even was good...
There is no bottom.
Shhh… don’t tell them that he is a total fraud. I posted he is a “pacifist” to be snarky. :devil:
Up is down, left is right. The GOP is promoting a pacifist. What a strange world. Not a good look to be suggesting a firing squad.