Nope. I am just providing information to discuss. Since you asked, here is my pov: 1. religion is not part of education. The establishment...
It’s about money and allocation of resources. The admin is to ensure hand outs to states are based on something. If the answer is leave it to the...
So then there is this he announced a year ago. This is an example of a really great idea. He basically wants to replicate Khan Academy with...
Trump has posted a very clear message. Education belongs in the state. Here are his ten key ideas which he will hand back to the states, so no...
This idea of woke military is hilarious. A problem no one really needs to focus on with the pacifist / isolationist incoming. Can Trump focus on...
I’m crossing my fingers she bests him by 1 vote so I feel some hope for humanity.
Rubio is taking no prisoners in his rhetoric. He might have taken himself out of the running and opened the door for Tulsi. Never get ahead of...
So… Does this mean Harris did win the popular vote? Why is the MSM all still reporting Trump won the popular vote. Are they incompetent at...
Disagree. They are all DEI. Some are white, some are black, some are brown, some are woman, some are men. There is equity because a pledge to...
Terrible pick.
About 9% or Tesla revenues are for sales of BESS and eligible for a 30% ITC. This is not on the Trump cutting room floor. Shrug.
He’s just throwing bounty paper towels at the problem.
Astute observation. One computer communicating to another would only have two non-physical “buttons” — 1 and 0.
He’s got some good ideas. He’s got some awful ideas like this one. He’s just so vile and disgusting. Wish he had a mute button. Back on topic,...
It’s all going to work out. He is building a big beautiful door for them to all come back through on guest worker programs and e-verify. It’s all...
Very Elizabeth Warren of him. Can we call him Chief Shitting Mule? he’s more liberal that Kamala at this point.
Yes. Not my typical schtick. Will own it. I do not think she is qualified to be the DHS head based on the totality of her experience. I do hope...
She is a soft exterior to an underlying painful process. All hat no horse. He should have put Theo Von in charge. At least he could man child...
It is probably going to the “coyotes” and extortion gangs. It’s not a good situation. A policy of creating jobs in Mexico and LatAm would be a...
Impossible to know. I think he transitioned in parallel to his daughter’s transition. He wants to forward his seed. He must have some concerns how...