He's carved from ebony in the new re-remake and he becomes a real girl at the end.
There's a horror movie already coming out.
I don't care if he shows dresses to my little girl. I just don't want him showing them to my little boy.
This is for all intents and purposes the last great Rose Bowl matchup, #1 vs. #2. The undefeated champions of the Big 10 vs. the undefeated...
All I heard was they didn't shoot the president.
Our 1996 Fiesta Bowl loss to Nebraska has been officially upgraded to a moral victory.
Probably somebody who wants to file it away so they can order smart kids when AI can do the job.
In another 3 or 4 years, when we'd be better off if Napier were still here, Farrell will be whistling a different tune. [MEDIA]
Why not find a way to transition the non-playoff bowls into a week zero kickoff fest to open the following season? That would put an end to the...
It's all good. Reindeer everywhere are complaining now because Rudolph isn't "giving back" enough.
They should put Kevin Bacon and John Lithgow in a movie about it.
Any tweets?
So? Maybe she was.
So the evil, underachievement, corruption, and shit we're drowning in is nothing new, meaning we are incapable of evolving beyond it. What a...
He already returned.
All of the above if it's that or go to prison, starve, or get shot.
People are eventually going to be wasting so much of their time and money on worrying about what might happen to them, they won't be bothered with...
The fact he's still here convinces me that it is what it is here from now on.
If tribalism that mutates into genocide whenever one tribe gets too powerful counts as evolution, I suppose so.
No, we simply have the problem of a guy who's tall, dark, handsome, and broke. He's no better off than the guy who's short, pale, ugly, and broke...