Proves to me that the drums of war beat on their own. These clowns are window dressing.
We aren't meant to live in greater density. It is glaringly obvious how poorly we treat each other when population pressure is excessive. I'm...
The Broncos weren't obligated to keep him, either. My bitterness is all toward Rex Ryan and the Jets for refusing to give him a chance. What the...
I don't want to ever once hear the word "packages" in reference to his playing time next year. This kid is ready to hit the ground running and we...
Just another chapter in the long history of enmity between these two teams, and in typical fashion for them, 50 cents and the bragging rights are...
Occam's Razor says it's still more likely that every law enforcement vehicle in Dade County showed up for a brawl between a couple of gangbangers...
Delusional thinking is strongly endorsed in both.
Spurrier Meyer The Doctor The Doctor The Doctor The Doctor
If being chest high to Jill Arrington in interviews couldn't do it, nothing could.
"Mama called."
A man starts out from point A and gets to point B in 15 minutes. What was his average velocity?
If this poll is a statement on how division is now the prime mover, well played.
Think of all the women who can rock a Shrek costume these days and this argument goes quietly away.
Haley would be like George W. Bush all over again. Start some wars or get us more involved in the ones already going, get the neocon swords...
The brutality of that gauntlet means nothing and the tough schedule is no excuse unless we are competitive in those games. We could lose all five...
The ability to spot an AD who will be shown the door with you if you fail.
I like songs that connect personal loss with the world's stupidity. [MEDIA]