Are you honestly saying that you think a dirty pipe has caused a single crack addict to think, "you know what? I should probably not smoke this...
That's the only part of the elementary school D.A.R.E. program I remember, as well! The dude spent probably 10 minutes telling us all the...
Yeah, but Gwyneth Paltrow is awful in a lot of movies, IMO. #HotTake?
Sadly, it really doesn't.
Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta immediately comes to mind. A great actress, but her accent was so fake it almost ruined the movie for me.
General question to GC mods: When are we going to get the poop emoji? Because this is a big ol' pile of doodoo right here.
That's a pretty flimsy excuse to fall back on after needing zero confirmed evidence of that "IF IF IF" to casually misgender Ms. Mangual...
But did a boy walk into the girls bathroom during this graduation? That's the real question we should be asking.
I read the article you posted when you posted it. I didn't see any mention of Mangual changing in her shower stall. I didn't see anything about...
I think this is where I'm falling on this issue. The cold and sad reality is that societal harmony sometimes involves individuals getting a short...
Seems to me that if a woman is upset about you having your junk out in a women's locker room, starting to film her is the single most likely thing...
My question is whether he's legitimately planning to run, or running to gain access/input to the democratic platform.
Many more Floridians will, I'm sure, continue choosing Fox News or MSNBC as their drug of choice no matter the legal status of recreational weed...
I'm not even aware that The View exists until you guys bring it up. How do you keep up to speed on what happens on that show? I struggle to...
This has to be a fundraising cash grab (no way this man has a shred of hope of winning the nomination), but I'm struggling to see how he even...
Kind of the opposite hypothesis of the philosophical question, "If an evil man pretends to be good through actions and deeds, is he still an evil...
I got off facebook for many reasons, but OP certainly nailed one of those reasons with the pervading chain email nonsense. I carry one when I'm...
"We shouldn't do anything to reduce the guns in this country because there are so many guns," is the most absurd and preposterous take I could...
Did you not see post 196?
That's such a weak and BS argument. "Well, things won't get better immediately, so we should do nothing about it now."