I refer you to to the last episode of True Detectives when Russ sees something in his moments near death and questions his preconceived fatalistic...
What seems to even more directly contradict that narrative is this specific nugget: Aren't small businesses usually the ones that suffer most in...
Pay attention to their posts over time? That's what I try to do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Moreso than 2 old white guys? Yeah, probably.
Gotta love 2 white guys hitting the "Disagree" rating on a post from a Black man about what Black people want to hear from Republicans. This...
Does it mean anything to Republicans? Likely not when it's a Democrat with the military experience. Does it mean anything in general regarding...
Agreed. He has government experience, business experience, and legitimate military experience in his background.
I remember my 9th grade civics teacher in podunk Georgia telling us with a straight face that southern states adopted Civil Rights legislation...
Imagine that. Crappy teacher is suspended. How do you read that and come away with the idea that such "libby" behavior is championed or...
Abortions by women who never want kids or who want no more kids would factor into your argument. Abortions by women for health reasons would...
I missed where you made that claim. In fact, you seemed to be making the opposite claim, if anything, that the article was correct and the liberal...
[IMG] The course units are outlined on the AP website. There is no world in which an AP Psych teacher has the time to spend weeks on a subject...
IMO, it's a bit more accurate if you swap shady for a different word that begins with "sh"
No Pardon for Trump, but if he's convicted, would support commuting a prison sentence. If Hunter is convicted of any crimes, no pardon or...
And yet, that's more than a single Republican has done to curtail gun violence this century.
Yep. That's the only logical explanation. Logically speaking, most people don't lie about and hide stuff they think is theirs to keep, and they...
Because you and others really really really want it to. The alternative, once again, is having to admit to yourselves that you have (or at least...