Really? Has he come out of DeSantis' arse yet? No one has seen the mental midget doing anything in over a year? I just figured his head was...
Seriously. Can anyone distinguish between the Republicans in the United States and the Taliban in Afghanistan at this point?
Here is some weird, wild apple/pear fruit tree that has overgrown what used to be Lenin Prospekt in Pripyat. Mother nature is incredibly...
For 3 men to volunteer to walk nearly a mile, in pitch blackness because the radiation burned out their flashlights, waste deep in radioactive...
Because of the time limitations, they could only show a tiny fraction of the selflessness and the callousness from those days and weeks to follow....
The single greatest engineering disaster in the history of our planet. I am slightly more than halfway through Midnight in Chernobyl, by Adam...
US tourists accounted for ~ 50% of the tourist visitors between 2015 and 2022. This news story will not affect this American in the least....
I love it. I always embraced being a total nerd. Story to get the thread close to back on track. In 1989 I participated in processing the...
Flat out scumbag Repuli-ban grifters hiring other grifters and forcing everyone else to swear fealty to their grifting. Seems like a perfect...
This would leave the 15 week abortion restriction as the law of the state. I guess Republicans were starting the feel the elections slipping as...
Pretty much said as much in the article:
My internship at Oak Ridge National Lab was processing the Iridium shielding for the Plutonium fuel cells for RTG's used on NASA satellites. So,...
Voyager is power by 3 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs). At launch, they provided 250W of out put. The latest data published by NASA...
While corrosion is a primary failure mode for electronics, the on board processors are largely immune to moisture in terrestrial applications, let...
Funny that you mentioned 8 tracks as high tech. 8 track decks are the primary memory devices on board Voyager 1 and 2. Interstellar 8-Track:...
I was going to say neither - but your answer is probably more accurate.
Or, encourage the same dictator? Even now Moldova is bracing for more Russian interference in their country.
This is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. So, the US is going to give $Billions to SOME of the IDF, and not the rest of the IDF?...
That is fair. I was careful to not be too hyperbolic by claiming that "no Dems support Biden". I consciously limited my comments to me circle of...
Maybe they should call in the Ohio National Guard? They have some experience with this type of thing.