I'm going to be totally honest here. I think if this situation was reversed that Trump would be getting so much flak for saying that.
You're the man :cool:
Saved by God? I hate it when people say stuff like that when others got killed in the same incident.
I'm sure some sickos would, but it wouldn't be the majority. A Trump assassination is TERRIBLE for this country.
I understand the anger, I really do. I'm just more sad than angry. What in the hell has happened to this country?
Dude seriously, what are you doing? Is this for attention?
I'm sure you aren't alone. I'd imagine conspiracy theories are going to run wild with this one.
Holy shit indeed.
It's very important apparently.
Have they updated the article or does it still say that he fell?
You're really reaching.
Shooter is dead and and attendee is as well according to the AP.
Link? I'm not seeing it.
It's so weird. There's a dude in a hat on the left side of the screen. He doesn't react whatsoever when it happens. Not alleging a conspiracy but...
He looked pretty badass. Gotta give it to him.
Freaking ridiculous. There's no place for this shit in our country. I hope they find the person(s) responsible.
This is my answer too.
He needs to drop out. I just can't imagine how bad he will look and act in 4 years.
I don't see a floating rib.