The superfluous word "else" and the omission of the word "ballot" renders your sentence incorrect.
I don't think you liberals believe what you post. Why doesn't a dark blue state, one where pubs/cons cannot veto, adopt the lessons of our...
It occurred to me that I didn't understand gender so I have been reading articles and listening to lectures on gender. I had heard the gender is...
I try to read all views and haven't heard this mentioned in conservative media. I did read that Vietnam banned the movie for the line and the...
If everyone holds that standard THFSG loses 90%+ of its content.
I was just reading about this, " the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals found that Smith’s craft was “pure speech” and that Colorado was compelling...
He hasn't been arrested. In a state where 7 governors have been arrested and 4 of the last 10 governors have been convicted, that's an accomplishment.
You Republicans are going to feel pretty stupid when Schiff produces the hard evidence he's been sitting on.
I don't think you do city justice. He is not a mere partisan hack. He's at least a hyperpartisen hack.
I have mentioned before that I have three nieces and nephews that are teachers. Through them I know several more. What Florida has done to...
Muslims opposed to LGBTQ curricula for their kids aren’t bigots It is understandable for parents to be concerned. In Maryland, for example, a...
When 9/11 hit we were told to remember that most Muslims were not radical. Most are simply law abiding citizens. One shouldn't assume that someone...
In '19 I became very ill. I lost almost 50 lbs and I was at most 15 lbs over weight. No one could figure out what was wwrong.I simply could not...
No, Modelo and Bud Light are not owned by the same company in the U.S. Modelo and Bud Light aren’t owned by same company in U.S. |
She told me they bashed the south outright when I wasn't around. She had escaped the banjo playing hillbillies so she was safe. When I was they...
My daughter got her PhD in Chicago. When I was visiting they talked about the south all the time. They sounded like fools. So your experience...
As was explained to me yesterday, the people making these decisions are either stupid or insane. Ergo, there are people with power who are stupid...
I wasn't aware that anything was pronounced similar to much less identical to right wing. Can someone on the left explain why allodoxaphobia...
I assume "never speak ill of the dead" is no longer a thing.