Again, the good guys. Meanwhile, you're with the "slow agonizing death on the vine guys". Have fun with that!
The good guys. US, Canada, Mexico, most everyone in the Western Hemisphere, Europe (most of it at least), Japan, S. Korea, Singapore, Indonesia,...
1. They have access whenever they want it (by law). That's enough for me. ; 2. It's horrible and is being proven to be harmful - especially to...
I don't fear anything other than we'll lose ground, but we're too loaded to ever truly lose. MAGA, though, will do it's best to make sure it's as...
They're the CCP, what other purpose would they have? Why do they insist on maintaining the ability to collect it? Why do they ban it, FB, X and...
He and Musk. Right in Xi's back pocket. All you need is a pen to sign the check and whatever policy you want you can have. Maybe the immigrants...
What does that have to do with anything, bro? Are you that scattered now that you're just reaching up your ass and pulling out the first...
Maybe run against Scott. Everyone - including most Rs - hates him.
What about when Odysseus killed Cyclops? What about that? It's all right there in the Iliad, so it MUST be true.
Probably because I couldn't care less. Call me when I'm done with Peter Pan. Maybe I'll have time for your fantasies then.
Why not a fourth >? Or a fifth? Is your loyalty to Xi/Putin wavering? Maybe someone needs a vacation to Siberia to get their priorities straight.
Sure dude, whatever you say. You forgot to give us the Heaven weather update. Can you ring up God on the walkie talkie and give us an update? Or...
Ah, just looked it up. Ford was appointed VP after Agnew resigned. I thought it was a direct succession. I was also 9-10yo at the time.
Which one? Nicaean in original Greek?
I think the stark contrast with the rest of the nominees probably helped here. Like, let's just get this easy one off the table right away.
Well, despite the myriad catastrophes facing it, the CCP does have their boys in the White House. So, yeah, I'm sure your comrades are feeling a...
Nah. Something else. The lube sitting next to it would be your first clue.
Well, you clearly work for them or the FSB, so why wouldn't you extol their virtues. It's YOUR JOB!
Really? You've got the walkie talkie to God? Tell us, how's the weather in heaven today?
Any that are humanized (and not done so for the sake of metaphor). That's the first mistake. Why would you cheapen the concept of God by applying...