No, we just think you're retarded.
He doesn't care. To quote Michael Cain (Alfred) in The Dark Knight, "Some people just want to watch the world burn."
End chicken bleaching (banned in Europe) to start. I found out about that a couple weeks ago and now I can't stop thinking about it. . . . and how...
That's essentially what you do in every post, so. . . .
It's insulting. It truly is.
What does this gobbledygook even mean? It's like you're just randomly throwing words together.
Sad part is if you just accept it as metaphor, there really is no issue. It's this insistence that it is factual history that is impossible to buy...
Oh, and the NFL is better. . . . Because it actually has rules for free agency, trades, etc. The comp here is UEFA and European Soccer....
The commercials were absolutely mind numbing. I swear in one 20-minute period I watched 15 minutes of commercials. . . . and spend the rest of the...
Ah, 16, just for the extra games. I really enjoyed the first round and think that holds real promise for the future. Think opening weekend of NCAA...
The "young voters" will be over it within a month, when the newer and more vapid POS app gives them something to waste their brains on.
Oh, don't get me started on the others. FB doesn't care what you want, it feeds you what it knows it can get a reaction/engagement from you on....
No Logan's Run reference? I'm disappointed.
Nothing since it's basically been dead for over 30 years. But, hey. It certainly gives you and the rest of MAGA some fictional windmills to tilt at.
Nothing for now, but hard not to be saddened by the real setbacks we're going to suffer as a result of these morons. Trump is (TicTok) basically...
Weakness meets stupidity.
Take it the mental clip just went "click" "click", which is why you came with this weak crap? Anymore grand insights from "Alexander" to share...
Maybe according to the FSB and "Alexander". . . but trustworthy sources say otherwise. What? You thought I'd take your word for it? I'd sooner...
Feels baby!!! Didn't you know. MAGA's always been about the feels (because their brains died a long time ago).
P.S. Better to be a vassal than Putin or Xi's glory hole.