What about the Vedas? Definitely some real truths (concept of universe, solar system, etc) there (Upanishads) and it's the oldest by far. The fact...
Now I just want to know how someone could find this take "optimistic". Some Russia honk, I guess.
We also shouldn't pretend they were dumb cavemen either. "Hunter/Gatherer" tends to bring up that image, but they were probably very...
I really hope this is just a technical glitch. If not, will be interesting to see the mental pretzel bending to rationalize it from the MAGA boys.
I personally think that's the point of Jesus. To judge us as one of our own, not from on high. The good news? We won!
Not THAT Ark! The other Ark, the one that floats!
He likes to argue? Also, HUGE fan of bullet points!
I know we aren't as active anymore, but you still have to think that our food and food processing has something to do with this. For instance, I...
That doesn't look as bad as what was described in the book, which was the locker room at old Lambeau Field. The scene was that would be smoke...
As a kid? I think we all did that. I just don't see the point. Cigarette smoke is nasty compared to cigars.
I think it's less about will than ability. I don't think the "will" will ever die. One of the reasons a "total victory" won't be the panacea for...
You only undermine your own credibility to criticize when you refuse to tip the cap to your opponent's successes. If he can get something positive...
If you smoke cigarettes, you inhale. Pipes and Cigars are more optional. Not sure why you would smoke a cigarette without inhaling. It's not at...
You don't think they ate root vegetables and ripe fruits? This would probably have been a major part of their migration routes.
I read a biography of Vince Lombardi and the players back then had ashtrays attached to the doors of their lockers for use pre-game, post-game and...
My guess is this idea that we were more healthy in the past is focused mostly on BMI, and when you look at pictures it's hard to argue with.
Why do you do this to yourself? As evidenced by the idiocy below, he is NEVER going to debate in good faith. You're going to spend all this time...
On this and a host of other issues. Which is why all of this is pointless. Dude doesn't even try.
I get it. Real diversity as opposed to "diversity" as a political term.
Only thing that would make this better is a big picture of the crying dad and his sons after the 2006 NC on the wall behind your desk.