To make the point he fails to make in his MAGA attempts at one-upping the "libs", I think it can be safely said that kids are better off in...
Great non answer. Or, should I say, TYPICAL MAGA.
Tactically, it was a stupid move to come at Trump from the right, but that was the angle he chose. Sycophants aren't switching cults of...
Why would the soldiers want to go back? I'm surprised they haven't figured out that surrender is their best option personally.
But you DO need to have them before 30 or the odds of having one (biologically and otherwise) are cut in half. Maybe flexible work schedules...
Even alcoholic, physically and sexually abusive parents?
Obviously not seeing as how the R's have used religion as a political tool since the late 70s. What a pointless statement. "I've never seen anyone...
Oh well, "growth" is over. . . So, probably time to start dealing with that fact rather than pining for the 19th Century.
Again. Don't buy it. I think DeSantis is a Yale/Harvard, Naval JAG Corps Republican (exactly why the MAGA Morons didn't vote for him). Basically a...
I don't buy it. I think it's pure political opportunism. DeSantis thought he could make a play to them and convince them that he (correctly) was a...
Okay, then right wing doners are insisting they be placed in these positions. Or a bit of both. I highly doubt this was an intellectually-based...
Who gave a bunch of money so he could play King DB at some college. Just like the hack who went after New College. You don't get these positions -...
How about a discussion about Corporate America - and the business community in general - accommodating to help fix this problem? Oh yeah. . . ....
If you have the $$$$$ to buy nannies, etc.
I don't know if DS is a true believer, or just that politically ambitious. I know that Rick Scott hates poor people and that every policy he...
I think learning to drive matters, I just do not think it always has to be certified by a State-issued license, or have to be insured, etc. . ....
Tell it to Corporate America. . . . Oh, wait. . . Investors. . .
You're leaving out a key part of this equation. The kids were FREE LABOR after a certain age, not MAJOR EXPENSES up until, in many cases, their...
He was appointed because he (or someone he's connected with) is a large campaign doner. There is literally no other reasoning behind appointments...
I get the emotions of the moment, but Scott was far worse than DeSantis. Come on. The Get off My Beach Law? Does it get more carpetbagger POS than...