Talk about amazing: After her individual races at Paris 2024, she holds the 30 fastest times in the 800m freestyle, the 20 fastest times in the...
Chutkan rejects Trump’s argument that the DOJ was acting vindictively at the direction of Biden: “There is no indication that President Biden...
I don’t think this will actually hurt Trump as his supporters don’t seem much to care what he does or says, but it adds to a long line of evidence...
Well, I probably do suck, and I agree that a debate isn’t the best way to decide. However, that doesn’t mean that debates are without any value....
Risky for sure. I thought she might float a compromise, with an offer for two debates, one on Fox and one on another network, putting the ball...
Looks like Harris will not accept the Fox offer....
This is the most interesting part of this whole ordeal. I am usually able to divine some sort of reason for almost any minority viewpoint, but...
Economists have long argued for elimination of the income tax, but they prefer a consumption tax. I doubt many are going to support this radical...
A man answers his door to find a stranger claiming to be his long lost brother and asking for $10,000 to pay for an operation. The man tells his...
This would send some water up into my backyard for sure. In addition to probably ruining The Princess Bride showing at the Tampa Theatre on Sunday...
Again, I don’t think we have much of a road map for the future here, so I am not even going to make a prediction. +5% or -5% both seem possible. I...
Im confused about your criticism, Okee. I think you still don’t understand me very well to be saying that I am acting dishonestly here. Of course...
I had always assumed that the Michelle Obama / man thing was just a joke like Vance’s couch, but I guess there had to have been some non zero...
If we are just going to default to the eye test, we don’t need to appeal to the genetics. My point was that a genetics test isn’t necessarily as...
Presence of the Y chromosome usually indicates a biological male, but it turns out virtually the entire male phenotype is produced by a single...
Anything is possible at this point. The right has claimed the last couple Democratic candidates were radical, so it’s also possible that this...
That’s a good way to put it.
If you are running against Trump, I think you need to start in the lead. This is not because Trump is a great closer, but because he’s so...
Well said.
Im not one that believes that Trump is an overt racist. I think he’s probably just racially insensitive, like most 80 year old American dudes....