Maybe put one of the most popular phrases in maga world in green, otherwise it is taken seriously. "Lock her up" has been a thing for nearly a decade.
For what? Daring to criticize the orange god? I thought free speech was important, but I guess that only applies to the maga sycophants.
Not psychotic, just a wannabe emperor.
I'm selfish for wanting MY money back?
So that angry mob chanting " Hang Mike Pence" and calling out Pelosi, Schumer et al would have just played patty cake with them.... smdh. Give me...
yep, clean air, water, and land are vastly overrated. screw em....
Nothing... LOL They would have just politely said hello to Pelosi et al.... BULLSHIT and you know it.
Good to see you admit you have tds
They'll just keep pissing on us and telling us it's raining. All the proof they need is that their orange god said it was rigged.
Is Mayor Ford available? (the Toronto madman)
Volshiemers is alive and well.
All that being said, there is a clear pattern beyond Bolton where Trump demands loyalty to him above all other considerations, including the law...
Plus, we all know what we saw that day as it unfolded. Yet, they insist on pissing on us and telling us it is raining.
correction: disagreeing with Trump means you are a commie who hates america. More of that false dichotomy bullshit.
Thankfully our government did not fall, but that half the country takes pride that a bunch of modern day barbarians sacked our capitol is...
Yep, preseason somewhere in the teens to low 20's. Get some w's and move up. Must beat Miamuh. A road win at lsu would be nice too!
so when they build statue to honor the j6 mob, which image to go with? The gallows, the guy with his feet up on Pelosi's desk, the guy with the...
Maga world will rebrand it " patriots day" and have celebrations of it every year.
After paying into SS for decades, I will be pleasantly surprised to get MY money back in full. # notanentitlement
In before he gets called a rino commie pinko radical america hater