Yep, cutting off one's nose despite the face comes to mind. If we are going to sell off a state, how about Alabama, Mississippi, or Kentucky? ;)
Do you get some of those Trump sneakers, or a Trump bible with one of those globes?
I'm sure the gulf got its name before the US had any coastline on it. i.e. colonial times. Spain and France had colonies that were on the gulf....
Yep, a collective middle finger from those who were still pissed about the confederacy losing the war. It seem some are still pissed about that,...
Just like the first term: a non stop firehose of bullshit, bright shiny objects, over the top statements to distract while he and his minions do...
or "The Gulf Between Us" to symboloze how divided we are.
A symbolic humiliation for mighty Russia to have a foreign army on its soil. Also a bargaining chip if negotiations happen.
The gop obsession with Hunter's laptop says hello
Texas will be pissed if it is named for another state.
Gulf of Ala-BAMA!
So carpet bombing the Gaza Strip? That will solve it. Can't return the hostages if everyone there is dead.
A slap on the wrist or commuted until after he leave office. He won't serve any time either way.
A giant game of "Risk". only it involves a lot more than little pieces of plastic, some cards, and dice.
He'll blame any consequences on windmills.
So Gulf of America, take the Panama Canal, take Greenland, absorb Canada. Nothing imperialistic about any of that.
Yeah, on second thought I am thrilled that instead of seeing any of it back, that it goes to line the pockets of the fatcat donor class. :rolleyes:
This is what the GOP wants.
Oh, it SHOULD be public. Not holding my breath of that happening. They will do their best to bury it.
It will never see the light of day.
Stilll waiting for my check from Soros as one of the favorite tropes of maga world is everyone who opposes Trump is on the Soros payroll. :rolleyes: