No guardrails this time. We can only hope that Congress gets to weigh in on any proposed military action to seize territory. Then again the gop...
I It's only divisive if it conflicts with the orange god.
You have no clue what you are talking about. Just buying the bullshit from your orange god, hook, line, and sinker. It wouldn't matter if Lake...
Btw, the fire is destroying conservative homes too. Not every resident of ca is an america hating commie.
Just confirms what a pos he really is.
NATO splintering would be downright orgasmic for Putin.
figures and good luck with that
A post hoc assessment after the wrecking ball has had four years with no guardrails will be interesting. Unless something truly catastrophic...
Getting trolled by Mexico and Canada. Canadian politician asks CA, OR, WA to join them.
Same talking point the resident russophiles have been saying for years.
Unless the Dems win enough of a majority to actually enforce an impeachment, nothing will change. The gop and the court will continue to be...
No mystery what the country voted for.
maga world will celebrate the event
So predictable: Next will be his threat to with hold fderal aid. Also, hat old bullshit trope about CA mismanaging the forests: they are...
If you thought the first term was chaotic, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
a special place in hell for firebugs. Throw away the key.
I suppose some would have them end up on the streets or maybe camps is what they have in mind.
Your prior posts were implying that it is an unreasonable position for those who have been paying into SS for years to expect to get some of it...