Yep, waiting for them take it a step further and make it so if a maga defendant is accused of a crime, only a maga investigator can look into it...
Without irrigation it is a desert. Chaparral, scrub, grass, conifers, oaks, and trees planted from other areas. Rainy season produces growth in...
That and the general public has the attention span of a gnat. The LA fires will be forgotten about as the news cycle moves on to other things and...
So is the party of small government wanting to pass a new law requiring a running death count on all news stories? Maybe they can start with mass...
Jim Jordan et al can do several more investigations, keeping us all on the edge of our seats. :rolleyes:
Didn't see a running death count for other events either. That said, look up any news story from any source you pick and it will state the current...
All the details of the dastardly plan are on Hunter's laptop.
such a victim!!! bless your heart.
It's not about oil. There are valuable minerals there. They want unfettered access to mine for the minerals.
So when do girls or women get fitted for their handmade's tale bonnets?
So now there is the expansionist plank in the gop platform
We owe texas a beatdown in the swamp next season.
I can only imagine the gnashing of teeth in longhorn world right now.
Gotta give ahia st credit. After that meatchicken loss they have turned it up a notch. that said I can't stand them.
so two teams I can't stand in the nc game. at least it's not uga!
Not buying it. You just don't want it made public.
Like that wouldn't stop him? So what is the real reason you and other Trump supporters don't want the report coming out? It's not like he will...
Amazing how folks who don't live there or have any idea of the terrain, climate, vegetation etc there are suddenly experts on it. smdh
THey work for US, not the other way around. Release the damned report.
Ukraine is in deep trouble when Russia breaks out the chariots and horse calvary.