Suffering is every Russian's middle name
His supporters would love all of that. Under the guise of " national security" he can send forces into areas he does not like to crack some heads....
He'll just blame Biden and the D party for anything that is not accomplished on day one.
A) such a victim B) The potus elect says or does something, which by definition makes it newsworthy c) it gets commented on d) someone gets...
the firehose of bullshit will bury this in short order, it is part of the M.O.
Maybe pootie can "sell" Siberia back to China, after all Russia took if from China back in the day.
Of course it is a concern, but that ship has sailed. The coronation/inauguration is in four days. Some guardrails last time, this time: none.
In the original post the word god was all in lower case.
Getting 33 of the hostages released is a great start. Still 60 something more that need to be let go as well.
..... and the RINO card comes out. We get it, anything short of complete fealty to Trump makes one a RINO or even a radical leftist America hating...
Thanks for the edit maga man. btw, If I want to get preached at I will go to a church. Your post in the thread Trump names Pam Bondi for AG was...
All the proof they need is the orange man said so.
CA and FL are facing similar issues regarding insurance, for different reasons ( fires vs hurricanes)
Anything that weakens or even splinters Nato will make Putin downright orgasmic.
Yep, the line of DV offenders everywhere " look what you made me do".
60 years of sanctions has made zero difference and that bay of pigs fiasco was a disaster. Cuba will go back on that list in about four days.
The maga/gop has been hellbent on cutting aid for Ukraine. I will believe a change in that position when I see it.
The last time a uga player going pro made big news in gville was when Herschel Walker did it. ETN ain't no HW.
Do you blame it?
Not holding my breath on big pharma being stopped from screwing us all without lubrication and twice on Sunday.