Except '81, '82 and '83 were Reagan, so going by your logic, it's Reaganflation.
Yes, that is a definite problem in many places and the food should be available to the kids who can not get the proper amount at home. Should a...
Because you can eat food at any time throughout the day. They don't need 500 more calories strictly during school lunch, just the day as a whole....
Actually, no, you think too simplistic and take it too literal. It isn't the state itself, it's where she was at the time.
You're at the top.
Hey, finally some facts from you. Great job, Biden! He's apart of the US, no? Good job intercepting them, President!
No he was not. He was on a 5 day vacation that was to be through Sunday and returned early to be with the national security team.
Oh, he's there?:D
What has happened to this team? Looks like those midweek losses were who we actually were. Oh well.
Well, even with the midweek losses piling up, we could always point to winning all of our series and some of those being huge wins over the likes...
In due time, hopefully...haha
Thank goodness UT went down. Couldn't stand them going any further.
Lol At least try to look for the truth. Such a sad, hateful life. All politicians pander, including those who say they aren't politicians, only...
14-10 now? Ouch. Pretty much all midweek game losses to nobodies, except the embarrassment that is the two FSU games. Sucks we've started getting...
You are correct. I didn't mean to imply every bridge should be structurally reengineered, but that they should do something to protect the pilons...
Amazing picture. And yes, they keep making these cargo ships bigger and heavier and expect bridge designs/pilons from 55+ years ago to hold up to...
This. How the original Tampa bridge was hit almost 45 years ago and other huge spanning/suspension bridges haven't had to have some sort of...
Now that's an a** whoopin at the Box!
Best way to see them lose. Hope that heartbreak feels good all the way to Colorado.
That's what I was thinking. Perimeter defense had nothing to do with the defense we played, not sure what some people were watching. They only...