Don’t take offense. You are in a position that supports your stance. It’s logical. If you were a restaurant owner with a young family, I think...
So you are part of the liberal eite, insulated financially from economic impact of a 6 week shutdown you want to force on other Americans. Can’t...
My 1 hr wait for a table at the only high end restaurant I could get in Thursday evening says you are mistaken. Granted, the healthy population...
Are you a small business owner? Just curious how you will be affected financially by a 6 week shutdown.
Just saying. The second college student passing with covid you read about this morning obviously has you severely on tilt. Please don’t start...
Have you ever posted about a college student dying of any other communicable disease? Just curious.
This thread sucks. Guess that means slow day on the death count?
“Europe’s got it all figured out and my friends there can’t believe we can’t control the virus”. Oh wait. Nevermind.
France Leads Europe’s Coronavirus Surge Just as Schools Reopen Wonder if EU will catch the same heat Trump did for claiming numbers are up...
I pray you and your father are successful in avoiding the virus. I sincerely mean that. Good luck.
I would blame it on culture instead of leadership. It’s not like the people disregarding social distancing and mask wearing would have adhered to...
Your ok with stuffing people in buildings and literally welding the doors shut? I’m sure we could reduce covid if our gov implemented similar...
Multiple doctors told you and your father you would both die from covid? That’s nuts. A client of mine just told me their father got over it...
It’s Jenny’s fault. She did it first.
This is an overlooked part of the article. Last sentence. “Only a year or two after the pandemic, however, can experts fairly judge what was done...
I know multiple people who have had it in the last month. None got a negative test. They were told to go back living post symptom.
Able to clarify what “it” is yet? Surely someone as pretentious and condescending as yourself must be able to come up with the words.
10-4. I thought they moved from the US for fear of a crumbling democracy. Maybe they even would have moved if Hillary won.... Anyway, I plan on...
Where did they all move too? I can’t imagine making so many connections in life in the US and then leaving family and friends behind to retire in...
10-4. I thought it was a school policy. Thanks for the clarification. Seems pretty cut and dry if the story is complete and accurate.