None would have traded Trump for Hillary, so they’d all be lying. Just because you hate him doesn’t mean everyone else has to. Half the country...
Um, ok.
Yes, I’m sure at least half of the content of HS history books in 50 years will be devoted to the day some guys entered the capital building and...
Somehow, I’ll get by.
Coup attempt? Lol. It’s a hundred dolts running around taking selfie’s.
I question the IQ of any American who is surprised, shocked, or generally can’t figure out why South Koreans wear masks like it’s a standard pc of...
It’s not America they hate. They love America. It’s the American citizens populating our country they abhor.
What nonsense. Our citizens are more compassionate and caring today than any time in our country’s history. All of them aren’t and all never will...
It’s incredibly awesome to see hard working Americans stand up to the wealthy tyrant politicians.
Tragic story, no doubt. But I missed where it says they caught it at school? I find it incredibly hard to believe that wouldn’t haven’t been...
Is there a place to find average age of new cases?
Am I nuts, or does the top photo look completely photoshopped? Especially the middle/upper left.
No doubt due to the celebratory super spreader events a couple days ago after Biden reached 270. I read that it could cost as much as...
Good news. Look forward to seeing the hopeful lack of side effects (in other people).
I think if you change “government” with “employer” this story may be much more believable. It doesn’t really even make sense. I’m sure many are...
You forgot to link Trump’s England, France, Italy, etc too.
Throw a hundred thousand untrained federal employees at the problem. Viola! Fixed.
Holy shit.
I never realized “liberal elite” was such a scathing term. Haha. Nothing wrong with owning it.
Unless the Americans citizens are ok with handing their freedom to the fed gov, no lockdown will work. At this point, every persons would have to...