Who wants to say it first?
Oof, Jac finally takes a first pitch and it's a hittable fastball before waving at the slider.
I get it after the regional, but we are suddenly showing a ton of faith in Fisher.
The 2-1 away to Kurland was bad but the down and in to righties has been there all day.
BT's at bat was good work from both sides where the pitcher executed just a little better.
Good callout by Burke to question if they only sent him once the throw went to 2nd. Otherwise that's just a weird disjointed play.
Cade and Jac both hit rockets right at people. Langford walked and scored.
You can't figure out why we started our #3 starter in the 3rd game?
Really playing with fire with that defensive lineup.
You taking news articles about racists personally seems to be a pattern as well. Did I do it right?
Maybe you should talk about that then instead of playing whataboutism for the things you really want to complain about.
Man, was the 2-0 green light a call? That's brilliant to attack the get me over fastball and end this thing.
Hitting the baseball to Pluto works well too.
How on Earth do you leave that guy in? Let's go
Sliding stopped his momentum. Had a better chance at the catch running right through it.
BT doesn't get paid to bunt.
The Shelnut game.
Like the aggression, but maybe not the best idea with nobody out.
Were they trying to say this is the first time we've had 6 players with double digit homers? That's not true.