Dribblezel Aberdeen needs to get the team into the offensive flow, not take it out of the flow.
Can't get a run going without inexplicable turnovers and Mizzou splashing contested 3s. Just one of those games today. Just try not to get blown...
Will Richard decided to participate with a much needed 3 and a steal and a layup.
Just playing too stupid and careless today and the other team is just shooting lights out from three no matter what we do. I'll be shocked if we...
Todd Golden cannot believe what Condon is doing.
I guess the guys decided to get back into this with 3 point shooting, hence the increased deficit. This one is on Golden. Get your guys' head in...
Where is the effort today?
Try to 3 point shoot our way back into this game. Falling back into old habits.
Our big to big passing has been absolutely attrocious all year. Tunrovers almost every other time. Not sure why we try to have our bigs pass to...
The turnovers are absolutely unreal in this game. What are we doing with the ball? And then giving them easy shot after easy shot.
For real. These turnovers are out of control.
That is on Golden. Putting him in with 3 fouls in the 1st half is just stupid. Had to know they were coming after him. Now he is basically of no...
We are getting smoked on our home floor. Will be interesting to see if we have the energy to bring some D and try to make this a game or just try...
Looks like one team came to play.
It happened so often that I thought they were being coaches to do it.
Rick Barnes: "This is what we pay you for" Will Wade: :mad:
As an acoustical consultant, I'm always interested in what audio guys have to say.
I was watching an Arkansas podcast recap of the game and they were killing Johnelle Davis. Dude was paid a million dollars to come to Arky from...
Awesome. Love the Big Aristotle.
I think there is some feedback in your audio