Sounds like the conference needs punishment. Abolish the big10.
Nah, obvious now Brady was the brains in that operation, all he's good at us running AFC west teams into the garbage can.
30-40's with rain. Really says SEC.
We do get close and then veer off, I think because we're afraid of a roughing the kicker penalty.
Kerwin did the OC thing for Strong at USF and it backfired, left a good job at Valdosta St.
SEC schedule is going to be a beast but the OOC is looking better, UCF has turned back into what they always were and Miami still seems to be in...
Contract extensions are usually given out on the silly notion that recruits need to see the coach will be around. Come on, most recruits are...
8-1 record, 4th in yards per game and 2nd in points, not sure what they else they want
One of the many bad things SS has done is allow ACC refs back at Florida Field.
Pretty calm exchange at least, wouldn't have blamed the player for saying "F OFF" :D
Yet we still have people wanting Mullen back, probably have a record of 2-7 right now with him.
If he's fired he'll also get a nice show cause penalty, he'll run back to the NFL. Also his turning the corner at Michigan just so happens to...
Purges will be yearly in this new era.
His next move is head coach.
Even if he came, which I doubt, it would have been awesome when he jumped ship when the Georgia job came open. ;)
Might get hurt, got a future to think about.
So if they lose this one who gets accused of robbing the locker room this week?
Some teams just do things and see what happens, others look for excuses to do nothing.
Dude killed someone.