Lol, jags making Richardson look like a veteran.
So you're more concerned with 'rich assholes' not paying their fair share than the government spending the country into ruin. Bless you're heart!...
LOL, everyone needs to pay their fair share! You guys honestly believe the amount of taxes anyone pays makes a difference? We're ruled by crooked...
He looks like the kid from the sandlot movie. :emoji_grinning:
Not only her name....:D [IMG]
Also, east coast surfers dream storm.
Uh oh, biden's about to become unfit. :emoji_joy:
LOL, did muschamp and butters ghost write it?
Yeah and it'll probably be an 11am kickoff.
If next game is in any way similar to last year's USF game, they may have to shut 'er down here for a while. :emoji_grimacing:
Has anyone in the media had the balls to ask Napier the OC question, or is it just forum talk?
Should be a lot more of that going on in college football.
I seriously wonder if this is part of the problem in our new world of college football...generational wealth with no accountability.
Yeah after 3 years, probably had a class or two together. Good luck to you guys also, time sure went fast!
LOL, the organic 2 calc 3 and physics 2 semester almost sent him off the deep end but ended up pretty good and liked last year much better. He got...
Is your daughter going to graduate in May? My son's in the same track but said he's in for another semester unless he kills himself this year.
Wife really wanted to see it...she bailed about half way through.
Times have definitely changed, surfed all day when hurricane David passed by Jax in 1979...don't believe anyone was scolded or arrested.