Yeah, with this team, he's gotta hit those wide open guys.
Sounds like maybe the problem was he can't read...
Ha yeah, don't let 'em all fool you, if trump would have stayed in very few of the lefties would have gotten covid vaxed.
Need to pay the lot of them a buck, that's about all they're worth.
Spot on. If the situation were reversed, pub potus would probably have been impeached by now and THFSG would be in total meltdown mode.
Come on man, everything is awesome! Americans continue to pile up credit card debt, edging close to $1 trillion
LOL, THFSG rich folks continually throwing the poor and middle class under the bus.
I believe it's called kicking the can down the road in DC but makes the plebs feel better if govt can somehow soak some more rich people on the...
[IMG] That look you get when you're arrested after live streaming your crime spree...:emoji_joy:
If the dumbasses aren't careful, they'll have to start stealing cars to find a store to loot.
Make sure you rip off the rainbow coexist bumper sticker...
Change trumpaloons to swifties and you've got a valid point.
Come on THFSG, it's gotta be desantis or trump's fault? :emoji_grinning:
Watch it on YouTube.
Funny meme but a double shot of whisky at an airport bar is probably more like 40 dollars.
Now I've heard everything...heisman, national champ winning QB was an awful teammate! :emoji_joy:
Realistically, crap like this will only hasten fast food automation...then no one will have a job. [ATTACH]