You do know if the ranking had dropped, it would be his fault. This is too hot after all.
Every time 3 bus full of illegals are shipped off to blue sanctuary cities, an angel gets it's wings.
If they told you, they'd have to kill you.
Can't wait for the first players strike...:(
Mertz throws as well as anyone I've seen on the run. Maybe on the deep passes they should just sprint him towards the right sideline every time. :D
Wilson's special player.
Lol, Montreal wants to hurt someone.
Johnson running hard.
LOL, sure sounds like that's the prevailing lefty view on labor and inexpensive produce.
The maga story and clinton come out at the same time on the same page, maybe they're serious...
Yeah, someone's lying their ass off...shocker.
A twofer!
Lefties need to take a breath, biden's not really building a wall. Pictures have already started trickling in... [IMG]
LOL at the last reply...:devil:
Lol, this has got some folks all riled up! Pretty simple, a year out from an election and the democrats must be getting monkey hammered in polling...
Yeah pretty soon the wall will have been their idea from the start.