When Obama comes out publicly against Biden, the fuse has been lit...until then, probably no worries.
Wouldn't even take 48 hrs and Nashville would have been burnt to the ground.
White tranny hating Christians enough to kill kids is bad for the narrative.
D has zero killer instinct, too many guys just standing around watching and super hard to believe so many kids right out of high school are the...
Yep, at some point, gotta corch 'em up.
Lol at cnn, that one's a bit of a psycho...surprised she's not still shilling for big pharma.
https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/27/1-in-8-us-households-struggle-with-hunger-food-insecurity-usda.html Rich libs only care about their portfolios, to...
Also cbo is outing the BA and THFSG lies yet again...these 80,000 new irs agent aren't for enforcement, just menial office staff. ;)
Govt 'budget experts'...that's some funny shit right there.
Evidently the cbo logic is biden needs to hire 100,000 more IRS agents...will save a shit load more money. :emoji_joy:
LOL, illegal immigrants morph to migrants and now asylum seekers? Crazy world we live in.
For the most part, the old timers probably dislike the dawgs more than the clap. That f'n Lindsey Scott play still pisses me off.
Wait till next, next, next year...like it! :emoji_grinning:
LOL, THFSG on anything Christian, MAGA or Desantis always reminds me of this video... [MEDIA]
LOL, 160 million...congress wipes their asses with more than that.
[IMG] New data from the U.S. Census shows that around 820,000 people moved out of California and 550,000 out of New York in 2022. They join more...
I whine about these UF only replays so much even my wife has picked up on it. :emoji_joy: Happens with regularity...if people don't see it, just...
LOL, a solid 5 minute review to get jobbed on a 1st down spot...could see it coming a mile away.
Yeah, no need to get too worked up about a new SOTH, it's not like the new dude will do anything different than the last 20 or so. Meet the new...
Yeah, it's just peachy...can't afford a house and food but tv's are cheap!