My biggest fear since 2020 has been currency devaluation. So far it’s been global so it hasn’t really hurt. But if other countries start to get...
Municipalities can work to make short term rentals less profitable. HOAs can either enforce existing rules or create new ones to ban short term...
Hopefully there isn’t one, but we are still at 2.9% inflation vs 2% ( yes, that is a 45% difference war) and there is heavy pressure to lower...
Glad I could get you to turn off msnbc and try to do something productive with your time. Next time try a little harder.
Simply Outstanding!!!
I really can’t listen to or watch Stephen A. It’s quickly obvious with him that he knows nothing about sports that he, ahem, comments on. He is...
Go back and try to find where I ever promised such a thing. I may have noted it as a possibility or probability, but never a promise. The one...
Pay no mind to md. He has never met a Democrat vote buying scheme that he wasn’t willing to contort his brain enough to ignore logic and...
I can see that. Personally I like his kind of humorous approach but I can where others would be. But as far as addition goes, to me, none of them...
HTF do they keep Beth Mowins but dump those two.
I think this judge has some lessons he needs to be taught!
Well, no one can claim that you and I are too unpredictable!
I would expect nothing less from you!
When the issue came up with their daughter she was not an adult. I do not give Kellyann a pass, but at the time that the issues became public,...
I would have thought that George Conway would have spent more time taking care of his daughter but I guess trashing Trump is more important to him...
Political biases aside(don’t even think they matter), to me it seems undeniable that the pandemic really F’d a lot of people up with the...
If you’re advocating a massive strike on Iran’s military sites, then we may actually agree on something for the first time.
I see that you are just envious of your inability to be a man, size up a situation that is bad and decide on a solution. Your statistics on...
Based on your continuous ridiculous posts, I think it’s pretty safe to say that you have never done anything right, and if you have done something...
I tell you what has not been given a chance is to let Israel finish them off. Every time Hamas, or PLO, or whatever other Muslim grievance group...