I don’t just sit behind a keyboard lacuna, I’ve lived quite a full and eventful life. I’ve witnessed much of the best and worst of human nature....
Sure, 20-something women sleep with old men 31 years their elder all the time. They just that hot old man.
If you think I’m riled up, then you must be used to arguing with Dems. You’ll know it when I’m riled. This ain’t riled.
My, my, you sound like a middle school girl with all of your drama
Someone needs to read more and not just go to left wing sites wit a towel on there lap
And you COULD just wake up and see that lefty/socialism/communism has yet to work anywhere it has been tried. But I’m not holding my breath....
If you want to talk about deficient morality you should be looking at your candidate, not me. I don’t create issues, I solve them. I’ve never...
Not particularly, but the alternative is to vote for an incompetent, cackling, hypocrite now campaigning with so called solutions to issues that...
Jo, you’re ridiculous posting history denies you the credibility to even use the word “credibility. Get on along with your usual hate filled,...
For anyone who has friends, family, or aquaintances who would claim that TDS is not real, just take out your phone and show them this thread. I...
They’re not worried. Their compensation for allowing the assassination attempt is in no danger.
I doubt that will happen, but I do not doubt your intelligence.
Seger used to do a great show in the day.
Looking back, it would have been a good thing to keep McElwain. He at least knew how to hire a good DC. Keeping Grantham out of Gainesville...
We don’t agree often, but you nailed this one.
Now your injecting logic and reasoning instead of simply believing some whacko’s “feelings”.
Wow, I hope you libs brought your towels to this Circle-Jerk(sorry Tilly). Those towels must be getting pretty nasty by now.
So once again, we have a politician looking to usurp power because the government is not doing its job. I would much rather she had spent her...
Please don’t have Kamala and Snatch in the same sentence or title.
Is this the 2024 equivalent of; “I was for the war in Iraq, before I was against it”?