So therefore they are not scientifically controlled and consistently collected. Thank you for helping me make my point. I want expecting help...
No, because they do not. They produce CO, Carbon Monoxide. You know, mono, as in one vs. do as in two. Carbon monoxide, while poison in highly...
Why and how could you assume they are “solid data sets”?
First, I don’t buy the “Global Climate Change”. You and your ilk originally screamed, jumped up and down, and wet your pants about “Global...
And I’m absolutely certain that those temperature readings from 1850 to 1970 were scientifically controlled??? I’m sure “climate scientists” in...
Just so you know, cars and trucks produce CO. Animals produce CO2 when they exhale.
Should be easy to prove if true. City you had cameras in your place back then, didn’t you?
Very well said. The sad part of it all is that the vast majority of these boys (yes boys, not men) will piss most, if not all of their NIL $...
Maybe he will open a restaurant in Gainesville. I’ve heard the Grinders there are really good! [MEDIA]
We don’t often see things the same way, but you nailed this one!
Some Errict Rhett fire would be fine with me!
American used to be a good airline. Then they merged with a terrible US Air and decided that US Air had right idea on how to run an airline and...
Fuchs was part of the problem that brought us this mess. Don’t expect him to fix it. While I’m at it let’s talk about the Swamp from a...
Not only the aches and pains of an 80 year old but in1976 starting for the Bucs in their inaugural season he took about 15 seasons worth of...
If this is all coaching, then don’t forget that you’ll need around $20M in additional NIL to keep the players here and not get poached as the...
Turn back the clock 20 years and NEVER thought I would hear anyone on GatorCountry wanting to apologize to Zooker
I loathe Foley so although what you are saying is fair. He won’t get that acknowledgement from me. It wasn’t fair that he F’ed us as much as...
We all try to put those nightmares out of our memory in one way or another.
There were actually two other tawdry episodes, but only one of them involved Spurrier. He also let Spurrier twist in the wind after the 96 FSU...