Agree. Bob Dole once said; “the most dangerous place in DC is between Chuck Schumer and a camera”. Certainly true of Schumer, and equally true...
Nonsense! It’s a perfectly valid question. As for the answer; I don’t know. My guess that it certainly won’t matter with other childless (by...
That’s reasonable
I don’t think that it is fair for you to compare her to Clinton. She truly has not attained that stature in the Democratic Party.
You’re right, but that won’t stop the media from painting her portrait that way.
You might be on to something here city! That is, apparently, one of the few things that she does well.
Either that or a level of incompetence that we cannot comprehend.
I’m no conspiracy theorist, but it is very difficult tho ignore the screaming red flags.
They do have trucks! I believe that there times where cinder block justice works best.
You’re slinging some good shit here the last couple of days!!
Welcome aboard!!!
And people call me old!!! Hell I was 21 in the summer of 80 and really didn’t pay much attention to primaries and conventions. And Tuesday...
No but Hagen did make him an offer he couldn’t refuse.
It was Biden’s choice, but not his desire. Regardless, he did choose after Tom Hagen came to talk to him. Interesting that you said that Bernie...
While I understand your sentiment. This is not much different than what they did to Bernie in 16 and 20.
That’s exactly how I feel when I read Jo’s posts. If you weren’t funny sometimes I would feel the same about yours.
No need to apologize Jo. Almost all of your posts are childish. We’re all used to it so much that we have come to expect it from you.
Don’t worry, there is little doubt about the ineffectiveness of that DOME!
I think that you are conflating my comments on the technical aspect with blanket support for the initiative. I do not per se support. I fully...