You're right, I did forget about the Alamo. Apparently, I've forgotten more than I've remembered. [MEDIA]
Had to Google that one. Thought I had forgot about it.
Things I haven't forgotten about: 9/11 Dre
Oof. There are two officers on scene to report what happened and this is the story that the police present to the public? Par for the course, I...
Just one liners
Done. Just so you know, I typed out 5 snarky replies and then erased them.
I don't eat there often, but I did have to KO a few fools a while back to get my hands on that delectible, yet scarce, chicken sandwich.
Ok, I will: Go back to my post Edit it Dang, that's the shortest three pararaphs I've ever seen.....
I counted 4 sections. The whole article is comprised of bullet point lists. Is each bullet point a paragraph when they are all related to the text...
Here are some findings from the DOJ report on the MPD. Do you think this sounds like good policing?...
That was this clip: [MEDIA]
Ft Collins, CO Lawsuit incoming. Cops may have blinded a man in one eye who was free to go. The man was pepper sprayed in the eyes from two...
Gainesville, FL This is a weird one. A Captain with Alachua County arrests a woman for not presenting ID, although there is no crime. The woman...
I have a couple I want to post. The Fort Collins pepper spray incident and one that happened in Gainesville. Do you know of any requirement in FL...
More on this one from earlier this week: Video caught Delaware state troopers fabricating charges against a man after he flipped them off and...
It's crazy that people can see those bullet points and think, "Nah, there's nothing wrong." I've posted a couple of these. Video caught Delaware...
Damn Daytona Beach You don't want to run into this cop. A loose pitbull chased this man's 6 year old child up the porch. The cop who showed up...
My power was restored today. I heard yesterday that 95% of Lowndes County didn't have electricity. Lineman and tree surgeons doing work. Cheers to...