UF 23 Uk 20
Yikes. There has to be some middle ground between Derrik Chauvin'ing someone and not evening saying "Hey, you have to pay for that." Then again, I...
I'd say quit passing dumb laws. Not prosecuting the shoplifting of certain items is dumb. Passing a law that prevents employees from stopping...
I've seen dozens of these shoplifting videos on social media. Most of the time they don't even run, they casually walk out of the place, sometimes...
OT: How do you feel about Udemy's Python courses? I'm not a dev guy, but I have been mulling over learning Python.
I'm not going to lie, when I saw the first picture in your post, I thought it was screenshot from a bad, x-rated movie.
Freaking yikes. That's another one that if there was a "Pick out the cop" in a lineup, he would be the first chosen. From what I read, they were...
Ex-Valdosta cop heading to prison on child porn charge Was a school resource officer at an elementary school, too.
I went to tech school later in life and did every internship they would let me. Was able to pick elective classes in a way that I got two...
Link: Police Use Red Laser Beam to Coax Cat Stuck Up Tree Down to Safety Am I doing this right?
I have some IT memes for easy to guess passwords... (in this case, default passwords, but the point remains) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Let's play Old Testament roulette. Pick a random page. Do what's on the page. Last person to go to jail wins.
Deceptive editing, which occasionally happens, is abosutely wrong. But, they make themselves look bad, all of the time. Simply filming an officer...
Sorry for the confusion, but no, I haven't personally witnessed them with my own eyeballs. Just like I saw ETN run for 172 yards on Saturday,...
I KNEW this was coming. No, I wasn't live on scene in the mean streets of Valdosta watching all of that go down. :rolleyes:
"Turn the pump off, there's gas." Deputy uses taser anyways. [MEDIA] This 17 year old is a cop's kid. He was tased in the chest for 23 seconds....
I'll post them when I get a chance, but even though Bluke hit the "Agree" reaction, he's still going to mark it Off-Topic. But, give me a lil bit...
Ok, I LOL'ed at that one.
Yersterday, I watched a guy get tazed in the back of the head, twice, after not showing identification. That was rough. I've seen a cop taze a...