If you recall, after the police raided Afroman's home, he made a music video out of his surveillance footage. This hurt the cops in the feels and...
This comment in the Police Corruption thread has an embedded video that shows where Chauvin had his knee on a 14 year old's neck for 15 mins....
Planned a trip around the bye week, lol. Currently in Pennsylvania. [IMG]
IMO, if this is true, I think Hamas had outside help. Like state level help. Israeli cyber ops is top notch. You don't have that great of an...
Yikes. Looks like a MAGA filled out a mad lib.
I've had YTtv for a while and have never had any issues. You can also see if the TV supports casting. If you're phone and TV are on the same...
Nice try. Can't fix stupid! lol! lmao! Try harder. Better luck next time. Can't fix stupid. Truth hurts. Do better. lol. Nice try. Can't make this up.
I've heard, can't remember where, that those weird names have to do with something about trademarks. Something about the name fast tracks the...
“Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they...
I felt like I was watching the UF/ UT game, only we were UT in this one. Utah 2.0
Yep. That's my lineup. I have 2 TVs, so the secondary games on the other TV would be aTm vs Arky, LSU vs Ole Miss, and the 2nd half of UT vs SC.
Delaware State Police - Trooper fractures eye socket of a minor when he punched the handcuffed teen in the back of a cop car over a game of ding...
For those keeping score at home, if he does lose vision in that eye, that would most likely be the 2nd occurrence of the police blinding someone...
Also Warren, Michigan. (May, 2023) I guess when they aren't beating the shit out of black teenagers, they are harrasing the first black cop ever...
Also Warren Michigan. This kid was was punched almost a dozen times, given a concussion and blurred vision, and had braces knocked off of his...
Also in Warren, Michigan [MEDIA]
My grandparents lived in Louisville. One of my absolute favorite memories as a kid was going to Ft Knox where they had the equivalent of an...
What the police said happened.. A male stepped out of the car with a knife. The officers gave multiple commands to drop it. The man then lunged at...