Yep. The one's with the red arrows were the one's covered in the show I was talking about. I tried to embed it in my previous post, but I don't...
He brought it up, but couldn't say for certain.
Funker530 has a long, live show on YouTube regularly and plays a lot of combat footage with analysis. There's been a lot for footage out of Gaza...
Interlock. I've known a couple people that had them installed. Not only do you have to blow to start the vehicle, it will prompt you to blow while...
Wow. While I absolutely agree with you that it's unlikely you will come in to contact on your own property and have reasonable suspicion, this law...
Hmmm. I would think that there would have to be some sort of distinction between private, but publicly-accessible property like a grocery store...
Too many "what ifs." What if I want to drive to the pond on my back 40 or have some beers riding around on a hunting lease? And this part:...
I bet you thought you did something here...
Speaking of Qualified Immunity... A cop is trying to sue another cop for shooting him in the back, leaving him partially paralyzed....
Cool thread, thanks.
A dumb 2-point and a chickenshit 3rd down playcall late in the game. It doesn't inspire confidence.
It's been a couple weeks. I was curious to see current photos but I haven't found any. With Israel pretty much controlling the narative at this...
I often think of how lucky I am to be born when and where I was. I'd hate to be a Palestinian civilian. Having to live in one of the most...
That's exactly what happened.
Thanks! I mean, Thanks! And to think that for years if I needed strikethrough, I'd do it elsewhere and then paste it into the comment. [IMG]
Which part(s)? In my layman mind, if more cops file these lawsuits, and some win, this would have quite the chilling effect on victims of police...
Don't know where the strikethrough text came from..