So all 8 of them are in your family?
Nonsense. Conservatives are far more likely to support the death penalty than liberals are.
Yeah because closet liberals often take out full page ads calling for a return of the death penalty so it can be used on 5 teenage boys of...
It's insane. Any rational person would understand that we would have had inflation no matter who was president. But cultists aren't rational people.
Did you take a poll? Bizarre that you know who everyone is voting for. Here's a recent poll showing strong Jewish support for Harris. [IMG]
It's crazy that it's that high. It should be a penny stock.
Saying they doubled would at least be less confusing. But expressing it as a percentage increase is very confusing when they already are...
No, in this context aging isn't right. We don't define the difference between 2 percentages by calculating another percentage. If mortgage rates...
The correct question is what does 2.5-2.0 equal?
Oh right, because in your world inflation, at 2.5%, is still 25% above target.
Just for fun, could someone collect the dozens of time etgator1 said there would be no rate cuts this year? I'd do it my self but I have a life...
He's Rickrolling!
Yep, an 18 year old girl on tik tok is getting to the bottom of it.
Neither side is happy when they lose. Only one side did this: [IMG]
Yes, definitely voting for that.
Couple things -- most people are ignorant and your link didn't say that. You'd need to find a poll where the question was 'do you think Trump is...
So 46% of Repubs vs 27% of Dems say they won't accept the results if the other side wins. Given that only one party has actively tried to steal...
Here's a link if you'd like to learn more about what happened....
If partisanship is pointing out that someone who already tried to overthrow our democracy is a threat to our democracy, guilty as charged.