You aren't too shabby either....takes little to POP you back into shape! lol V
Happy Happy Mother's Day!
are you going to Hoover~ you must go to the Summit shopping while there. It is not far. Lots of nice hotels.... what is the address of the SEC...
hahhahh that is why I got Flip!
not many days left of school..... then I get to start all over again! Get them where you want them, lose them.
Thanks I'm planning a wedding and finishing the school year...... busy time of the year for a teacher
3 schools closing here from Swine is it around you?
wahoooooo the writing scores came out..... my kid's did awesome no one failed!!!!
thanks for the rep too~ are you? V
drive by hope all is well with you and k
hope work is going well update us....V
hello to you..... hope you and Beau are okay! V
hey MCG.... long time no hello! hope all is well V
long time no see in the pub...... drop in Chuck
hey Slink..... catch you later in the pub
hey Bari...hope all is well busy with work.... the end of the year is crazy!
new pics....nice OR am I behind?? so so busy at work! how the heck are you??
was hoping to see more of you in the Pub I've been so so busy at work , met several Jimmy Buffet fans Sat from the Pub, saw Urban on stage and...
Hey Mama Been busy with school and a few posts on the Parrothead thread. Several pubsters and my husband and a few local friends are going to...